Month: June 2010

Artists in the News – George Rodrique and Thomas Kinkade

Paradoxes, Purposes and Ponderances

I have read about two artists recently making news. Both have demonstrated some commercial success in the business world, and both have found ways to market their artwork in a way that appeals to a broad audience.

One of these artists I admire for his artistry and his methods of commercializing his images. The other makes me want to yell “bleh!” because of both his artistic and business practices.

Blue Dog
Artwork by George Rodrique

George Rodrique, painter of the iconic Blue Dog paintings that have become a part of pop culture, is the artist I admire. His images became widely popular by Absolute Vodka in 1992. He has been in the news recently because a thief brazenly walked into his gallery and stole two of his paintings.

The paintings have since been recovered, however, as of this writing, the thief has not been caught.

Thomas Kinkade
Artwork by Thomas Kinkade

Thomas Kinkade, self proclaimed “Painter of Light”, is the artist who has earned my disdain. Aside from the fact that he was recently arrested for drunk driving and has been under fire for his business practices, I find his artwork pithy and formulaic.

Kinkade’s business methods have been called predatory, taking advantage of people who are drawn to his overt sentimentality and exploitation of Christian faith. His artwork has been dismissed as kitsch by most people in artistic circles.

I find both of these artists’ stories interesting as I explore the world of business and the world of art – two worlds that are separate, but do necessarily converge at times. Sometimes the convergence creates compatibility, sometimes not.

Both Rodrique’s and Kinkade’s artworks appeal to a broad audience. They both have a “man/woman on the street appeal”. Aside from their business practices, I find one’s artwork to be valid (Rodrique), but the other not (Kinkade). Is this because of my own tastes, or is it because there is an inherent validity to one artist’s work that is not there for the other artist?

Every man or woman who goes into business for him or herself must contend with a number of  issues and concerns. You have to develop a legitmate business model and you must subscribe to ethical practices to stay in business. I am struggling with these issues as I work on developing my own business.

Not that ethics and legitimacy are a struggle for me – I am simply learning about disciplines that are completely foreign to me.

Artists, however, have other struggles unique to their creative role in society that are layered into the dilemmas of being in business.

Most artists are compelled to create from a need for self expression and a desire to develop new images, designs and forms. Although we want to sell our work, our motivations for creating are deeper than simply endeavoring towards commercial success. In addition to making a product for sale, we are creating artworks that have purpose beyond their commercial value.

Artists who create purely for the sake of appeasing popular demand and lose their other purposes for creation are generally dismissed as “selling out” by the artistic public.

Rodrique paints the same blue dog over and over again. Some might say that represents a pandering to an audience for commercial rather creative purposes. I would disagree. I see a difference in each painting – differences in color choices, composition and background – that make each one unique and special. A  joy in the creative process is evident in each work.

Although his images are reproduced on various products, Rodrique’s work always seems to have credibility to me.

The average person can buy Rodrique’s art on commercial products once his creative process is complete. Or the connoisseur can buy an original for $30,000.

Kinkade, however, paints paintings that seem to be shallow throwbacks to 18th Century romantic paintings that have been done over, and over and over again. There is no unique subject matter and the style is limited and formulaic.

I want to be like George, even if it means someone could come and steal a painting off my wall.

What do you think? What are your thoughts about artists mixing creative and commercial motivations?

Please check out my new Facebook fan page!

New Schtuff: A Video, The Buzz From BZTAT! Newsletter, and a New Facebook Fan Page

BZTAT Studios Art Promo Spot from Concept2Motion, LLC on Vimeo.

The video above was shot by Concept2Motion, LLC at my studio a few weeks ago. I am so thrilled with their work! Please feel free to share and embed it wherever you like.

I am very grateful to those who follow my creative adventures, and I want to have as much opportunity as I can to engage in dialogs with them. For me, that engagement enhances and inspires my creativity as much as anything does. I have been very busy developing some new ways to communicate with the people who enjoy my artwork, and I hope that you will take advantage of them.

If you are not already on my mailing list and would like to get my new The Buzz From BZTAT! newsletter, please sign up in the box to the right. I plan to update the newsletter with recent artworks, special promotions, and news about what is happening in the studio.

I also am developing a new fan page on Facebook. I have had a fan page for awhile, however, it used the name “BZTAT of Art Adventures Studios”. I need to change to a new one to reflect the change of my studio’s name to BZTAT Studios from the old Art Adventures Studios.

Facebook, for some strange reason, won’t let you change a fan page’s name, so when you change your name, you have to create a whole new page. To avoid future changes, I am simply calling my new page Artist BZTAT.  I hope that you will “like” it and follow my activities through posts there. If you follow me on the old page, please follow the new one, as I will phase the old one out soon.

As always, you can still keep up with me on Twitter as well!

I hope you like these new offerings. Give me a shout out and let me know what you think.