Tag: Facebook

I have the most compassionate and courageous social media friends in the world.

Sad Cat Drawing by BZTAT
Drawing by BZTAT

I am lucky. I rarely have to contend with haters, internet trolls and people with ugliness in their hearts. That is because I have the most compassionate and courageous social media friends in the world.

Since the death of Robin Williams was announced, and since it was reported that his death was a suicide, my Facebook and Twitter feeds have been full of compassionate and heartfelt postings for the comedian. There have been posts with understanding for the sufferers of depression and other mental illnesses, and there have been informational posts to offer help to those in need.

I wish that Robin Williams’ daughter Zelda, who obviously is in great pain right now, was as lucky as I am. The haters of the world viciously descended upon her at her worst moment, sending hateful messages about her father to her Twitter account. My heart cries out to her in so many ways.

I am sheltered from such hate, thankfully, most of the time. I know it is out there, though.

Despite the risks of being on the receiving end of the vitriol, many of my social media friends have taken the unusual step of discussing their own battles with depression and other emotional struggles very openly in response to Williams’ death. I admire them so much for having the courage to do that!

Coping with emotional pain takes immeasurable courage on its own. To talk about it openly, knowing that it could have repercussions – well, that is the most courageous thing a person can do. My friends’ purpose in taking the risk was to let others know that they are not alone, and that they can get to the other side of it.

We all hurt, and we are all susceptible to experiencing mental and emotional disturbances. There is no shame in it. There is only sadness when someone loses his or her life because they did not believe that they could get to the other side of it.

I spent 20 years as a mental health counselor, helping people heal from a variety of emotional concerns. If anyone thinks that these people were weak or somehow defective, they would would be wrong. These were the strongest and most courageous people that I have ever met.

I want to thank you, if you were one of those who shared a story about your own struggles in the last couple of days. I also want to thank you if you were one of those who responded to another’s sharing with compassion and support. You have all reminded me of the most wonderful aspects of human nature.

I also want to thank Robin Williams. He made me laugh with his silliness. He made me cry with his seriousness. He helped me understand with his gripping portrayals of The Fisher King and the neurologist Oliver Sacks who discovered groundbreaking treatments for mental illness in the film Awakenings.

I only wish that he could have believed that he could make it to the other side.

Godspeed dear funny man. We will always love you.

If you need help, please check out the resources in your area. There is hope! If you do not know how to access help in your area, these national mental health resources can help get you the services you need.

Life is an Adventure!


Why I share my cats' photos on Facebook

Okey white cat photo
“Okey” photo by BZTAT

Every morning I awaken to an assortment of furry faces staring at me in anticipation of breakfast. Of course all of my cats are the best examples of feline beauty to ever meow on this earth. But usually one sticks out in its extraordinary catness each day.

Before I am fully awake, I reach for my iPhone and I start snapping photos.

Then I share the most endearing photo on Facebook. Within seconds, I start getting alerts to “Likes” and comments on the photo. It goes on all day, and sometimes continues into the next day.

I’ve read articles by so-called social media experts suggesting that you should not post too many pet or baby photos on Facebook. They say it annoys people. They obviously don’t know me or my Facebook friends.

I am a serial “Liker” of baby and candid pet photos, and my friends seem to be too.

Here is the real reason I share my cats’ photos.

Although my studio is a few paces from my home, I still spend many hours away from my cats each day. When I share a photo of the sweet moment I have with them in the morning, I take it with me all day, and it keeps me close to them.

Each time I get an alert that someone “liked” or commented on the photo, it makes me smile. I need those extra smiles some days.

I guess the photo makes my friends smile too. What’s the harm in that?

New Schtuff: A Video, The Buzz From BZTAT! Newsletter, and a New Facebook Fan Page

BZTAT Studios Art Promo Spot from Concept2Motion, LLC on Vimeo.

The video above was shot by Concept2Motion, LLC at my studio a few weeks ago. I am so thrilled with their work! Please feel free to share and embed it wherever you like.

I am very grateful to those who follow my creative adventures, and I want to have as much opportunity as I can to engage in dialogs with them. For me, that engagement enhances and inspires my creativity as much as anything does. I have been very busy developing some new ways to communicate with the people who enjoy my artwork, and I hope that you will take advantage of them.

If you are not already on my mailing list and would like to get my new The Buzz From BZTAT! newsletter, please sign up in the box to the right. I plan to update the newsletter with recent artworks, special promotions, and news about what is happening in the studio.

I also am developing a new fan page on Facebook. I have had a fan page for awhile, however, it used the name “BZTAT of Art Adventures Studios”. I need to change to a new one to reflect the change of my studio’s name to BZTAT Studios from the old Art Adventures Studios.

Facebook, for some strange reason, won’t let you change a fan page’s name, so when you change your name, you have to create a whole new page. To avoid future changes, I am simply calling my new page Artist BZTAT.  I hope that you will “like” it and follow my activities through posts there. If you follow me on the old page, please follow the new one, as I will phase the old one out soon.

As always, you can still keep up with me on Twitter as well!

I hope you like these new offerings. Give me a shout out and let me know what you think.