Every morning I awaken to an assortment of furry faces staring at me in anticipation of breakfast. Of course all of my cats are the best examples of feline beauty to ever meow on this earth. But usually one sticks out in its extraordinary catness each day.
Before I am fully awake, I reach for my iPhone and I start snapping photos.
Then I share the most endearing photo on Facebook. Within seconds, I start getting alerts to “Likes” and comments on the photo. It goes on all day, and sometimes continues into the next day.
I’ve read articles by so-called social media experts suggesting that you should not post too many pet or baby photos on Facebook. They say it annoys people. They obviously don’t know me or my Facebook friends.
I am a serial “Liker” of baby and candid pet photos, and my friends seem to be too.
Here is the real reason I share my cats’ photos.
Although my studio is a few paces from my home, I still spend many hours away from my cats each day. When I share a photo of the sweet moment I have with them in the morning, I take it with me all day, and it keeps me close to them.
Each time I get an alert that someone “liked” or commented on the photo, it makes me smile. I need those extra smiles some days.
I guess the photo makes my friends smile too. What’s the harm in that?