Tag: pet charity

24 hr Paint-a-Thon: Yep, I am really going to do it.

I announced it at BlogPaws and I wrote about it a couple of weeks ago. The time has come. I am getting ready for a round-the-clock over-nighter 24 hr Paint-a-thon!

I have done Paint-a-thons before, but only for 12 hours. This will be my first 24 hour stint. This time I am painting along with 9 bloggers who will be blogging for 24 hrs as well, all of whom are raising funds for various animal charities. Thanks to Dr. V. of Pawcurious for inspiring the entire event!

Can anyone share their experience on consumption time? I’ve red that it is worth using it 10-14 hours before bedtime, otherwise Phentermine Online causes insomnia. Those 4 hour are crucial for my day, so need an advice please.

Usually, when I do a Paint-a thon, I conclude the actual painting with an online auction on Twitter. I just don’t think I will be up for that after 24 hrs of painting, so this time, I plan to post the auction on my website. The auction will be up for 3 days and then the last 2 hours will conclude with a Twitter party.

1. I will begin painting at 2pm EST on Saturday to correspond with the Blog-a-thon, and paint as many paintings as I can between then and 2pm EST Sunday. I will be doing the Paint-a-thon at Embrace Pet Insurance‘s office, site for my new upcoming BZTAT Studios pet themed art gallery!

2. All the paintings created during the Paint-a-thon will be posted for online auction here on my website on Monday and be available for bids through 11pm EST on Thursday. We will have a Twitter party from 9-11 pm EST on Thursday, 11/18/10 to facilitate any bidding wars that may arise (and just to have fun!) for the last 2 hrs of the auction. Follow hashtag #bztatptg for the party.

3. I will be donating half of the proceeds of my Paint-a-thon to the Healing Paws Dialogue, an art project that I will be doing for the Pet Patrol therapy pet program at Mercy Medical Center in Canton, OH. The Healing Paws Dialogue aims to involve artistic youth in Canton with the Pet Patrol pet therapy program in order to enhance understanding and awareness of the value of pet therapy, as well as give them an opportunity to create pet themed public art with a professional artist.

4. The other half of the proceeds will go to a charity chosen by Embrace Pet Insurance staff: A New Leash On Life, specifically a fund for Flower who has pulmonic stenosis and needs a $2,500 balloon valvuloplasty surgery before she can be adopted out. Flower is being fostered by a member of the Embrace staff.

5. I will be posting photos of the works in progress throughout the Paint-a-thon to Twitter via Twitpic and to Facebook. Follow the hashtags: #bztatptg #blogathon on Twitter for the latest! The bloggers in the Blog-a-thon will be using the hashtag #blogathon, so be sure to follow their posts as well.

6. Each painting will be approximately 12″ X 16″ on wood. There will be a $40 minimum bid on each painting. There will also be a $25 USA and $45 international shipping fee for each painting.

I hope that you will join me throughout the Paint-a-thon, because I am going to need some help staying awake! Thanks in advance for your support and any virtual coffee you send my way.

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BlogPaws "Be the Change" Challenge

“Never doubt that a small group of committed souls can change the world — in fact, it’s the only thing that ever has.” ~ Margaret Mead

You can’t help but be moved when you watch the video above. You don’t even need to know what it is about.

But when you do know what it is about, you will be moved to tears.

The video, created by my friend Lynn Haigh, was presented in a session at the BlogPaws conference last weekend in Columbus, OH. The video highlights efforts by individuals to bring about change in the lives of animals in need.

The “Be the Change” panel – Lynn Haigh, Pawpawty creator, Dr. V. from Pawcurious, Dorian from Your Daily Cute and Jane Harrell from Petfinder, threw out a challenge to the entire pet blogging community: Do something  to change the world for  pets in need, and specifically, do something to help raise funds for a designated pet charity.  Pets Without Parents was selected by a prize winner at the “Be the Change” presentation.

Bloggers from all over the world are participating in this challenge. So what am I going to do?

I will be designing a T-shirt which I will put on my CafePress Shop, and all proceeds from sales of the T-shirt in the month of April and May will go to Pets Without Parents. After May, proceeds from sales of the shirt will go to my local animal charity, Friends of Stark Pound.

I have not completed the design yet, but will post it here as soon as I do.

Widgets for both organizations are in the sidebars of this blog if you wish to donate to one or both of them. Some grateful furry friends will be glad that you did!

So what will you do to be the change in your world today?

UPDATE: The T-Shirt has been designed and can be purchased in the BZTAT Studios CafePress Shop. What are you waiting for?

Life is an Adventure?