Tag: blog-a-thon

Blogathon, Drawathon and other craziness.

"Cool Brew at the Beach" Drawing by BZTAT

After doing the month-long Okey’s October event, I had to take a break. So I haven’t posted since the last auction.

I am posting today because, 1) I want to announce the winner of the Okey’s October Contest, and 2) I have another event coming up (shew!).

First things first. Everyone who bid on an artwork in the Okey’s October event was entered in a contest for a free artwork. The contest winner gets the original drawing of Brewskie Butt that you see above.

You did not have to win a bid. You just had to post a bid. And there were several bidders!

I randomly pulled from a basket with all the names. And the winner is…

Drum roll and other corny intro schtuff…

Vicki Cook! Yay Vicki! Many of us know Vicki from her blogging and tweeting and Facebooking, etc. as Bunny Jean Cook.

Vicki is also one my most ardent supporters and best pals on the internet. We are also friends in real life, meeting up at BlogPaws and here in Ohio a couple of times. In fact, Vicki came and blogged with me last year during the Pawcurious’ Blogathon.

Congrats Vicki!

So what is Pawcurious’ Blogathon? I am glad you asked. It is an annual event that Dr. V. from Pawcurious started a couple of years ago, and that is the other event coming up that I mentioned above!

A Blogathon is 24 hours of blogging, where several pet bloggers get together around the world and blog around the clock. Through their blogging, they raise money for a chosen charity or cause that is near and dear to them.

This year’s Blogathon runs from 3pm ET Saturday, November 12, 2011 to 3pm ET Sunday, November 12, 2011.

Last year, I put an extra twist on it by doing a Paintathon along with the Blogathon. This year, I am going to do the same, only instead of paintings, I will be creating drawings. The drawings will be auctioned to raise more money for my latest Okey’s Promise project, which you can read about here.

So far, $2150 of the $7500 needed for the project has been raised. Thanks to those who have contributed so far! My hope is that the Blogathon will help get more awareness for the project, and also get contributions from people who would like to help. We need as many Promise Keepers as we can get to complete the project!

Watch the video about the project below, and follow along this weekend for the Blogathon Drawathon! The auctions will be posted as I complete the drawings in separate blog posts. Folks who are awake throughout the 24 hrs when the auctions are posted get first dibs on the “Buy Now” option and get to set the tone for the bidding!


According to Dr. Finch at Riley and James, the following bloggers are signed on for the 24 hr. Blogathon:



Lions, Tigers and Bears

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Amanda Finch


Nebraska Humane Society

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Abby Finch


Nebraska Humane Society

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Riley and James


Nebraska Humane Society

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The Wandering Duck Climbs a Mountain


Nebraska Humane Society

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Cornerstone Christian School


Pawsitively Texas

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Okey’s Promise: Art for a Cause

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Kol’s Notes

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My Tail Hurts from Wagging So Much

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A Shepherd’s Voice

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Bridey Boyle Liver Shunt Surgery on Facebook and ChipIn

I hope that you will stay up all night reading all the blogs and giving support to great causes while we blog and (me) draw pictures!

Thanks for following along!

NOTE: I have been so busy this year creating stuff, I have fallen behind in getting things shipped. If you have something on order, please do not fret. It will be coming soon. It is not easy being a one woman show! Thanks for your patience!

24 hr Paint-a-Thon: Yep, I am really going to do it.

I announced it at BlogPaws and I wrote about it a couple of weeks ago. The time has come. I am getting ready for a round-the-clock over-nighter 24 hr Paint-a-thon!

I have done Paint-a-thons before, but only for 12 hours. This will be my first 24 hour stint. This time I am painting along with 9 bloggers who will be blogging for 24 hrs as well, all of whom are raising funds for various animal charities. Thanks to Dr. V. of Pawcurious for inspiring the entire event!

Can anyone share their experience on consumption time? I’ve red that it is worth using it 10-14 hours before bedtime, otherwise Phentermine Online causes insomnia. Those 4 hour are crucial for my day, so need an advice please.

Usually, when I do a Paint-a thon, I conclude the actual painting with an online auction on Twitter. I just don’t think I will be up for that after 24 hrs of painting, so this time, I plan to post the auction on my website. The auction will be up for 3 days and then the last 2 hours will conclude with a Twitter party.

1. I will begin painting at 2pm EST on Saturday to correspond with the Blog-a-thon, and paint as many paintings as I can between then and 2pm EST Sunday. I will be doing the Paint-a-thon at Embrace Pet Insurance‘s office, site for my new upcoming BZTAT Studios pet themed art gallery!

2. All the paintings created during the Paint-a-thon will be posted for online auction here on my website on Monday and be available for bids through 11pm EST on Thursday. We will have a Twitter party from 9-11 pm EST on Thursday, 11/18/10 to facilitate any bidding wars that may arise (and just to have fun!) for the last 2 hrs of the auction. Follow hashtag #bztatptg for the party.

3. I will be donating half of the proceeds of my Paint-a-thon to the Healing Paws Dialogue, an art project that I will be doing for the Pet Patrol therapy pet program at Mercy Medical Center in Canton, OH. The Healing Paws Dialogue aims to involve artistic youth in Canton with the Pet Patrol pet therapy program in order to enhance understanding and awareness of the value of pet therapy, as well as give them an opportunity to create pet themed public art with a professional artist.

4. The other half of the proceeds will go to a charity chosen by Embrace Pet Insurance staff: A New Leash On Life, specifically a fund for Flower who has pulmonic stenosis and needs a $2,500 balloon valvuloplasty surgery before she can be adopted out. Flower is being fostered by a member of the Embrace staff.

5. I will be posting photos of the works in progress throughout the Paint-a-thon to Twitter via Twitpic and to Facebook. Follow the hashtags: #bztatptg #blogathon on Twitter for the latest! The bloggers in the Blog-a-thon will be using the hashtag #blogathon, so be sure to follow their posts as well.

6. Each painting will be approximately 12″ X 16″ on wood. There will be a $40 minimum bid on each painting. There will also be a $25 USA and $45 international shipping fee for each painting.

I hope that you will join me throughout the Paint-a-thon, because I am going to need some help staying awake! Thanks in advance for your support and any virtual coffee you send my way.

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