I posted this image awhile back. It is a drawing that I made of Whiskers, a 15 year old cat who needs a home. I drew it in hopes that someone would fall in love with Whiskers and take her into his or her family.
So far, my efforts have not worked.
Whiskers is not on “death row” like many animals who are up for adoption. Still, she is a wonderful animal, and she deserves a home.
I thought I would post her drawing again, since today begins the “Adopt a Less Adoptable Pet” challenge set forth by the Be the Change Panel at BlogPaws West.
There are many animals awaiting adoption across the country who have been classified as “Less Adoptable”. I, like Dr. V. at Pawcurious, am a little dismayed at the classification. I’d prefer to call them “Pets with Pizazz”.
These pets do have pizazz! They are often overlooked because of age, special needs and/or medical conditions that require a little extra attention. But they are as lovable and giving as any other pet, often more so.
I am glad that Petfinder and Be the Change for Pets are focusing on them to help them find homes. These animals have great courage and spirit, and they deserve our extra attention.
Life has been a challenge for Whiskers. She reportedly endured neglect in her past life, yet her current caretakers say she is now the most grateful of felines.
It is time to give her a change and let her see the good side of humanity. Can you help Be the Change for Whiskers?
If not Whiskers, do you know another “Pet with Pizazz” who you can help out?
Although Whiskers is located in the Richmond, VA area, assistance to relocate her to another area is available. You can learn more about her and how to contact her foster family here at CrystalsAndJewelry.com Blog & News.
Whoever gives Whiskers a permanent home will receive her portrait shown above as an extra bonus.
Feel free to re-post the drawing of Whiskers, if you would like, to help her find a home. Please do credit the image with “Artwork by BZTAT” with a link to this blog.
I used because of the leg pain (or rather due to the unbearable constant pain caused by the tumor in the knee joint).
Let’s find this fabulous feline a permanent home.
Whiskers was featured in the video below by the “Be the Change for Pets” panel. The whole video is very moving.
It brings me to ask, what is your gift, and how can you use it to help pets in need?