Dear God,
Today a part of my land
And a part of my people
Was reduced to a cloud of
Smoke, rubble and dust.
As the pain and dust linger,
Please help me to join hands
In peace, not rage,
With other spirits
Who seek to rise above.
Dear God,
Today a part of my land
And a part of my people
Was reduced to a cloud of
Smoke, rubble and dust.
As the pain and dust linger,
Please help me to join hands
In peace, not rage,
With other spirits
Who seek to rise above.
On Friday I posted some video clips of the Zing in the City fireworks in Canton, OH. Today, to celebrate my country’s birthday, I have combined the video clips into a montage set to music. We truly had a spectacular fireworks show in Canton, and I wanted to share it with you. Warning: You may want to adjust your volume so as not to startle the pets!
Happy Independence Day!
My Flag Stands For…
…resiliency in the face of tragedy.
…hope in the face of loss.
…courage in the face of danger.
…tenacity in the face of obstacles.
…triumph in the face of battle.
…peace in the face of war.
…freedom in the face of limitations.
…opportunity in the face of poverty.
…unity in the face of diversity.
…healing in the face of injury.
…knowledge in the face of naivete.
…charity in the face of need.
…humility in the face of pride.
…order in the face of chaos.
…faith in the face of uncertainty.
I love my flag.
–Poem by BZTAT
Live is an Adventure!