Month: June 2012

Value vs. Success. Is there a difference?

Abstract collage by Artist BZTAT
“Modern Art” Collage by BZTAT

“Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value. ~Albert Einstein”

Were I to talk with Mr. Einstein, I might quibble with him on being a “man” versus a woman of value. I do, however like the intent of his statement.

Do you seek success, or do you seek value? What is the difference to you? I am curious as to others’ thoughts on the concept…

(Contact me if you are interested in purchasing the artwork above. As of the date of posting, it is available. 🙂 )

“If you curse the rich, you’ll never be one of them.” -Rev. Ike

Monetizing and marketing your artwork
“If you curse the rich, you’ll never be one of them.” -Rev. Ike

One of my favorite blogs, Artists Who Thrive, written by artist and arts marketing coach extraordinaire Ann Rea, dedicated a post to this quote by Rev. Ike awhile back. I am not stealing her thunder (like I could). I am taking it in my own direction.

As I posted yesterday, I came back from the BlogPaws 2012 Conference a changed person. Changed in regards to valuing my work in the marketplace and changed in valuing myself as someone who can influence others to change.

Change is a turbulent process, though, and I won’t pretend for a moment that I am where I need to be.

I do curse the rich, and consequently, I am far from being one of them.

That is a problem, as an artist, because only people with expendable income can purchase my work for what it is truly worth. The very people I curse are the ones who are most likely to purchase my work.

My art has great value. I know that. I also know that it has greater value than its current prices. But my hang-ups about money, and those who have it, impede my success in a major way.

I was raised in a very middle class family by parents who were not skilled or responsible with managing money. My brother, a mathematical genius, overcame that on his own. He lives comfortably as a computer systems programmer with a nice income. My sister overcame it by marrying a man who is very gifted at managing budgets.

Me? I am no mathematical genius and I have never married, so I have lived out the family legacy.

One thing I am, good at, though, is connecting with people who are gifted in the arena of monetizing your talents. They cannot, and will not sit by my side and help me untangle the mess of my checking account. But they will motivate me to confront the mind-tangle that keeps me stuck when it comes to money issues.

Here is my mind tangle.

I have lived and worked among the financially poorest people in the country. I have watched them struggle and pour their strength into work to feed their children and provide them shelter. Although not necessarily gifted with great intelligence or talents valued in the marketplace, they have heart and skill. I have watched these people sacrifice and scrimp, only to become victims of corporate magnates who have no concern for their plights.

That is why I curse the rich.

I do not curse those who have earned wealth through hard work and responsible sharing of their talents. I do curse those who have unjustly gained wealth from taking advantage of others. And I certainly want to avoid becoming one of the latter.

I do not necessarily desire to be what most of us think of as “rich”, but I would like to have a more comfortable lifestyle than I currently have. More than that, I would like to achieve real success as a professional artist.

I confess, I have no clear formula for determining whose wealth is legitimate and whose wealth is ill-gotten. So I make assumptions that all are the latter. It’s not fair, and I know it. But that is where my mind is focused -currently.

How do I get around that? I am not sure.

I am sure about this, though. I am going to let Lena West kick me in the butt and figure it out.

Stay tuned.

Do you need the same kick?


BlogPaws – The Place Where Pet Bloggers Rock

BZTAT at the BlogPaws Nose to Nose Awards

I just returned from BlogPaws 2012, which could very well be the most fun and interesting conference EVER for writers, artists and pet enthusiasts.

I enjoyed the company of fellow writers, artists, people involved in animal causes, and social media/blogging geeks – you know, my peeps.

I learned many new things and I gained inspiration from very gifted speakers. But more than anything, I had the opportunity to enjoy great times with some of the most talented and outright fun people in the world.

As much as I value my ability to articulate, I am reduced to using simple words like “AWESOME!” and “We had a BLAST!” because the event defies verbal description.

As I returned home (it took many hours to fly from Salt Lake City, UT to Canton, OH), I thought about how much I had been changed by this brief 3-day encounter. As I struggled to return to my usual routine this morning, I realized – I don’t want to!

I have no interest in my old routine. It had me stuck.

I am a changed person after gaining new insight and opportunity. If I am changed, my routine needs to change to match it. Otherwise, what would be the point?

One statement by keynote speaker Lena West really hit home for me:

“You can only ride one bicycle at a time. You only have one ass.” ~ Lena West

Lena nailed many other issues that I need to address, but this one really hit home. It made me realize how many activities I have been taking on lately that take me away from my needs and purposes. Not only do those activities misdirect me, they also do everything but nourish my soul.

That is going to change.

(Also, my ass is going to get back onto my bicycle, because I need physical exercise to improve myself.)

We rocked it out in our own special way at BlogPaws. Now it is time to keep the energy flowing and apply the experience to our everyday lives.

I can’t wait to get started.