This auction has been extended until 10pm ET 1/6/12.
I just have one artwork for today’s auction, but it is a very special one. This painting of a dove has been seen in my holiday gallery, and I have posted it a couple of times on Facebook. It has been meaningful to many as a representation of hope during the dark days following the Sandy Hook school shooting, and also as a image of peace for ringing in the new year. I hope it brings peace to your heart.
I am starting the bids at half price – yes you heard that right – half price! It was listed in my holiday gallery at $150.00, and I am starting the bidding at $75 + shipping.
You can make your bids in the comments below. Here are the details:
10″ X 14″ painting on wood by artist BZTAT
Leave bids in increments of $10 below in the comments section.
Minimum Bid $75 USD
Shipping: $25 USA $45 International
BUY NOW OPTION: You can buy this piece now for $125 as long as no bids have been made in the comments below. Simply write BUY NOW in the comments and send a payment of $125 + shipping via PayPal to bztat at bztat.com.
Highest bid at 10 pm ET Sunday, 1/6/13 wins the piece.
Winning bidder: send payment of bid + shipping to Paypal using email address: bztat at bztat.com
Please allow 4 weeks for shipping.