Tag: Niptini

More ACEOs for Auction! High Paw, Niptini and a Tuxie Cat!

ACEO by BZTAT (#1)

So I tried out some auctions of ACEOs the other day and they all got bids, so I thought I would give it a try again today. See what you think of these, and if you like them, make some bids!

Don’t know what ACEOs are? According to Rebecca Fairbanks,

ACEOs are collectible little pieces of art. An ACEO is always two and one-half inches by three and one-half inches. That is the size of a standard sports trading card. The rule about size is the ONLY rule in the ACEO world. An ACEO can be created in any medium the artist desires: paint, colored pencils, ink, etc. There are even ACEOs made from wood, clay, fabric, and metal. (Read more about ACEOs.)

Apparently ACEOs became a new trend after non-artists took interest in Artist Tracing Cards, which were only traded among artists. ACEOs are collected by people all over the world and shared in different ways. Some people collect them in the same way sports trading cards are collected; others matte and frame them as minature artworks to hang on the wall.

For me, they are a fun way to put my doodle time into a creative work that could be loved and collected by someone. And since they are small, they are affordable, and can fit in places where wall space is limited.

I decided to try them out and auction some of them here on my website. Each ACEO is an original piece of artwork and will not be reproduced as a print. Although some may be similar to others, no two ACEOs will be exactly alike.

I am posting 3 of them here today. If these go well, we’ll have more to come! Bid in the comments below, but since there are 3 auctions at once, please be sure to state the number of the piece on which you are bidding. Happy Bidding!

ACEO by BZTAT (#2)

ACEO by BZTAT (#3)

Here is the info needed for bidding: (Please read carefully, as there are changes from previous auctions.)

Leave bids in increments of $5 below in the comments section.

State the number for the ACEO that you want to bid on in your comment.

Minimum Bid $15 USD

Shipping: $5 USA $15 International

BUY NOW OPTION: You can buy each ACEO now for $35 as long as no bids have been made for that particular one in the comments below. Simply write BUY NOW for #___ in the comments and send a payment of $35 + shipping via PayPal to bztat at bztat.com.

Highest bid at 10:00 pm EST on Sunday 8/14/11 wins the piece.

Winning bidder: send payment of bid + shipping to Paypal using email address: bztat at bztat.com

Please allow 4 weeks for USA shipping.