Tag: dove

Where does a dreamer go from here?

Rising Dove of Peace - Drawing by BZTAT
“Rising Dove of Peace” – Drawing by BZTAT

When I was younger, there were things in my world that I aspired to change. I have always been one to wax philosophical, and I have often held to lofty dreams.

As a child and as a young woman, I dreamed of what my world would be like when I reached the age that I am at the present. And I did all that was in my power to make changes happen so my dream world could come true.

I dreamed of a world where fighting nations found other ways to settle disputes. I dreamed of a world where child abuse, domestic violence and other social ills would become obsolete. I dreamed of a world where human beings became smarter and kinder and more effective in their pursuits of happiness.

I dreamed of a world where gun violence was gauged according to it being a rare event, not according to how it rated against last year’s numbers.

I dreamed of a world where our growing body of intelligence helped us learn to work together instead of developing technologies that made it easier for us to blow each other apart.

I dreamed of a world where common sense became more common, and selfish rationalizations became rarities.

I knew that these hopes and dreams would not all come to pass in one lifetime, but I honestly thought we would be closer to them than we are by now. Instead, I look at my world and wonder, how can it be that we are farther away from these things than ever?

At age 50, I struggle to reconcile the fact that, despite my efforts, and others’ efforts from my generation, my world totally contradicts that which I had dreamed it would become.

Was I a fool to think it would be any different? Am I bitter and cynical and not seeing the forest for the trees? Am I having a “mid-life crisis”? Or is life just bigger than I thought, and beyond my limited imaginings?

I have no answers. I am not even at a place where I can posit any assumptions.

Recent events (Newtown, CT shooting; Webster, NY fire and shooting; 2012; “fiscal cliff” negotiation breakdowns; Syrian Civil War; etc.) have shaken my usual optimism.

Where does a dreamer go from here?

Life is an Adventure!


Let there be peace.

"Let There Be Peace" painting by BZTAT
“Let There Be Peace” painting by BZTAT

How can we bring peace to troubled lands around the world when we have rancor in our own troubled hearts? I have seen much anger and pained words in my life, but never have I seen so much incivility as I have in the past couple of years surrounding the recent election.

What is done is done. What is ahead is ours to create.

Will we create peace, or will we create more pain? How do we create peace anyway?

Regardless of faith or creed, can we start with these words?


Let There Be Peace on Earth

by Sy Miller and Bill Jackson.

Let There Be Peace on Earth and let it begin with me.

Let There Be Peace on Earth, the peace that was meant to be!

With God as our Father, brothers all are we.

Let me walk with my brother in perfect harmony.


Let peace begin with me. Let this be the moment now.

With ev’ry breath I take, let this be my solemn vow;

To take each moment and live each moment in peace eternally!

Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me!


The 10″ X 14″ painting above is for sale for $175 +shipping. Contact BZTAT if you are interested in purchasing it.