OK, it is not exactly on the easel. I had to hang this one on the wall to paint it. It is 6′ tall, after all.
A friend gave me some odd shaped canvases to paint, and this one just cried out for a bottle to be painted on it. And, of course, my obnoxious cat Brewskie Butt found his way onto the bottle.
If you have not visited The Brew’s website recently, you might want to go take a peak. It has been redesigned and is a new place for feline fun. And the Brew is pleased as pitch about his new book, “Where in the World is Brewskie Butt Meowin’ Today?” He is having a book launch party on Twitter on this Wednesday 1/25/12. Be sure to join him for some crazy, whacky shenannigans!
We are also celebrating the Brew in the “real world” for February. Beginning on First Friday (2/3/12) I will have a special “What’s Brewin’?'” showing of Brewskie Butt artwork at the Creative Ohio Gallery at 310 4th St. NW in Canton.
So what’s Brewin’ with you?