Month: November 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Artwork by BZTAT
Artwork by BZTAT

What will you be doing for Thanksgiving? Most of us in the United States celebrate this day by eating lots of great food, spending time with family and friends, and reminiscing about various family traditions.

My day will be low key. I will spend it with my mother, who lives in a nursing home.

No big dinner, just your average nursing home dinner and perhaps some turkey and pumpkin pie thrown in.

And that is fine with me.

Sometimes it is the simple things that matter.

My mother created the fabric that has woven the mysterious threads of my life, and I am grateful to her for that. I will cherish the time that I spend with her on this great day.

And then it is on to Black Friday…

If you are like me, you would prefer to avoid the crowds at the box stores during the holiday rush. I  like to shop at a local galleries (My favorite is Second April Galerie) or buy holiday gifts online.

My new site here has all kinds of interesting gift ideas. Check them out if you are interested! There are plenty of original artworks available in the galleries and lots of merch in my Cafe Press and Zazzle stores.

I will be adding new things and posting about them here as we move into the holiday season.

I hope that you have a safe and satisfying holiday. May your day be filled with love and adventure!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Life is an Adventure!


Welcome to BZTAT.COM!!!

Artwork by BZTAT
Artwork by BZTAT

Welcome to BZTAT.COM, the new home for artwork by BZTAT! Today is the launch of a new website and a new era for BZTAT’s online presence.

In the past, my artwork could be seen at one website and my blog at another. As time evolved, however, it became cumbersome to have my online activity in two different  places.

I decided that it was time to change things.

It was a big job, but I am really proud of the result!

Now my blog and my artwork can be seen in the same place, and the opportunities for updating information rapidly are much more accommodating.

Everything that you want to know or see about artwork by BZTAT can be found right here!

Thanks to my great friend Liz Hover for helping me design and develop this site into something really special! We are still working out a few bugs, so bear with us. We felt that it was time to go live now, even if a few issues still need to be resolved.

I hope that you will enjoy looking through the galleries and checking out old blog posts that have been imported from my old blog “The Buzz from BZTAT!” Please let me know your thoughts in the comments.

If you ever wondered about how I got the name BZTAT, you can read about it here. The name is in homage to the black and white cat whose picture is featured in this post.

This website is dedicated to the original “Beezie” who was the greatest artistic inspiration of my life, and whose spirit remains a part of my soul.

I still miss ya, old girl. Save me a good spot at the Bridge.

Life is an Adventure!