Whether it is Wilbur from Charlotte’s web, Babe from the popular movie “Babe” or the more recent superstar, Maxwell the Geico pig, there is something very endearing about young pigs.
So, to follow my series of Hippie Peace Pets, today’s painting is a Hippie Peace Piglet!
I am posting this painting for auction. The auction is short lived, so get your bids in fast and watch closely!
Enter your bids in the comments below, and be sure to identify your bid with the painting’s name.
Here are the details:
10″ X 12″ paintings on wood by artist BZTAT
Leave bids in increments of $10 below in the comments section.
Minimum Bid $70 USD
Shipping: $25 USA $45 International
BUY NOW OPTION: You can buy this piece now for $125 as long as no bids have been made in the comments below. Simply write BUY NOW in the comments and send a payment of $125 + shipping via PayPal to bztat at bztat.com.
Highest bid at 10 pm ET Tuesday, February 19, 2013 wins the piece.
Winning bidder: send payment of bid + shipping to Paypal using email address: bztat at bztat.com
Please allow 4 weeks for shipping.
I bid $70 on the Hippie Peace Piggie!
This auction is now closed.