A good friend of mine stopped by my studio at Second April Galerie recently. She was looking through the various studios there for some sort of art object with a hummingbird theme.
She didn’t ask me directly about creating something, as birds are not a common theme for me, and she likes to support all local artists, not just me. She was not having success, however, in finding the item she sought.
When she told me the reason for her search, I offered to stretch to a new theme and create something new for her. Her purpose was a beautiful story.
In a recent telephone conversation, a friend living several states away had shared with my friend that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer. The woman was naturally anxious and worried about her condition and the impending treatment options. Although often a survivable disease, breast cancer is a frightening and often life altering condition.
As the two women spoke, however, a strange thing occurred. The woman who was anxious about her circumstances was visited by a small hummingbird. The bird hovered near her for a moment, then gracefully landed upon her hand. As quickly as it appeared, the bird disappeared, but as it did, it left a calmness in its wake, and the woman’s anxiety no longer besieged her.
My friend called the event a “God Wink” and wanted to send her friend a gift to commemorate the special moment that they had shared over the phone. Surely some mystical force was at work here to reassure a fearful soul?
I enjoyed the challenge of creating an artwork to capture the essence of such a special moment. In fact, the drawing turned out much better than I had envisioned. Perhaps God winked at me as well as my hand was guided in the creative process.
Have you ever had a moment where you felt that God “winked” at you and reassured you about something you feared?
Prints and cards of the “God Wink” drawing above are available. Contact me if you are interested in a purchase.