I am most known for my animal artwork and custom pet portraits. I do a lot of other kinds of artwork, however.
Dialogues Murals are commissioned artworks that I do for organizations, companies, conferences, etc. to artistically render the energy of an event or activity.
Have you ever been to a conference or some public celebration and thought, “Oh, if there was just some way that we could keep this energy going!” ? Well, there is a way to keep it going.
Commissioning a Dialogues Mural by BZTAT means that I will: 1) attend your event, 2) create an artwork encompassing your event’s theme on site, 3) interact with participants and encourage them to incorporate their thoughts into the artwork, and 4) provide you with a completed professional artwork for prominent public display.
A Dialogues Mural keeps the energy, inspiration and dialog going well after the event has concluded. Additionally, having an interactive artwork as part of your event creates a memorable attraction that lives on in the hearts of participants.
The mural pictured above was commissioned by Goodwill Community Campus in Canton, OH for the Alzheimer’s Association located at their facility. The messages collaged into the background of the mural were created by staff and participants of the organization’s services.
Although the messages incorporated into the background were done by participants almost a year ago, the thoughts and ideas will continue to inspire for many generations.
You can see more Dialogues Murals here and read more about them.
Would you like to have a Dialogues Mural as part of your event? Contact me and let’s start a dialog.