Month: October 2010

Special Offer on Pet Portraits: 20% off!!!

Three Westies
Custom Pet Portrait Painting by BZTAT

Have you been wanting to order a custom portrait by BZTAT of your pet, or a portrait for a friend as a gift, but couldn’t quite justify spending the money on it? Well now is the time to act. Between now and October 31, 2010, You can purchase BZTAT custom pet portraits for 20% off the regular price! That’s right 20% off!!!

Why am I making this offer? First of all, I know that finances are tight right now for everyone, and I want to accommodate people as much as I can.

Second of all, people tend to wait to make holiday orders until it is too late for me to complete them by Christmas. I want to give you a little encouragement to make your order now instead of waiting.

You can read about the process of ordering a portrait and see some examples here. It is important to discuss the details of customizing each portrait, so please contact me if you would like to begin the conversation. All orders must be received via PayPal or check by midnight (Eastern) on November 1, 2010 to receive the discount.

So what are you waiting for? contact me right away! I can’t wait to get started on painting your pet!

Child Prodigy Artist Autumn De Forest: Where will she go from here?

I just read an interesting article by David Galenson, Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago entitled The Two Life Cycles of Artistic Creativity. In the article, Galenson discusses two artist types which he opines are factors in determining the course of an artist’s career. Some artists do their best work at the beginning of their careers; others in their later years of life.

Following that, I found the video above featuring child prodigy artist Autumn De Forest. The video is striking not just for this eight year old child’s artistry, but for her thoughtful responses to the rather inane questions asked of her by Today Show host Matt Laur.

This child is obviously exceedingly bright with parents who have exposed her to artistic and cultural influences. (Not many parents would see a Mark Rothko painting in their child’s doodles with a paintbrush).

As an artist, I see some fascinating characteristics in her artwork and in her discussion of it.

I find it intriguing to see her handling intellectual concepts such as the use of texture and color and light while, at the same time, expressing that child-like joy of spontaneous creation that all children have.

It is an odd juxtaposition – raw child-like joy in creation combined with very adult-like analysis of a process and product.

In light of the earlier read article, it leads me to wonder how this child’s career will be shaped.

Will her precociousness continue in it’s path of experimentation and exploration led by her intrigue and curiosity? Will she go on to create things that push the envelope in artistic and philosophical understanding?

Or will she be manipulated, pushed and pulled in various directions by adults seeking to maximize her early successes in ways that they envision for her?

My hope is for the former, and seeing her character displayed in this short video, I suspect that she will set her own course. It will be interesting to see.


What's on BZTAT's Easel? Seamus Finnegan!

Custom Pet Portrait by BZTAT

Some pet portraits take longer to paint than others. Seamus Finnegan’s portrait seemed to take forever for me. There are some reasons for that.

First of all, I traveled to Denver during the time that I was painting Seamus for the BlogPaws West conference, which kind of interrupted the flow of it.

Second, his breed (Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier) is one of the tougher ones for me to paint. Animals with shaggier faces are the toughest for me, as it is more difficult to abstract their countenances into shapes and colors and still retain the character of the animal.

But probably what delayed me the most was my own  desire to capture this particular animal in a very special way.

Seamus’ owner commissioned his portrait after he suddenly passed away in April of this year due to a blood clot. His loss was heartbreaking.

Seamus was Mr. Exuberance, with a huckster’s grin on his face most of the time, according to his owner. he was a very charismatic and “charming Irish rogue” according to his Twitter profile.

His owner shared that his veterinarian became tearful about him when she brought her cats in for a routine visit recently. Some animals have a way of working their way into every heart they encounter, and Seamus was certainly one of those animals.

Those of us who chatted with Seamus on Twitter miss him greatly. We do enjoy tweeting with Air Beardie, however, who has continued the family legacy.

The in-process photos of Seamus’ painting are featured in the slide-show below. You can see that I experimented and painted in a lot of different directions until I finally settled into a groove with it. To celebrate his Irish heritage, I added the shamrock in the final stage.

Rest in peace Seamus. We will all look forward to seeing you at the Rainbow Bridge someday.

Do you know someone who would like a custom portrait of their pet painted by BZTAT? Pet portraits make great gifts for friends, family, and corporate clients. Information about commissioning a custom pet portrait can be found here.