It has become my annual tradition to create a vision board as I welcome the new year in and say goodbye to the old one.
The purpose of creating a vision board is to define your outcomes and goals, allow them to manifest in your life, and share your vision with others to make your intentions more powerful.
I created vision boards for 2011 and 2012, and I shared them here on my blog. I accomplished some goals, and I am still working on others. (I still haven’t gotten off the Super Size Me Diet).
On my accomplished list: I did publish my book, and I did complete the second Okey’s Promise Project, which will begin touring this year. I did create and sell a lot of paintings and other artworks. I did put together a licensing portfolio.
On my not yet accomplished list: I have not yet developed any significant or lucrative licensing contracts, and I have not yet increased my wealth substantially. I have not done as much public speaking as I would like.I still have to plunk quarters in a washer and dryer that is in the dungeon of my apartment building.
On my always in progress list: Although I sometimes lament that change is a slow and crooked journey, I have continued to do my part to change my world for the better.
So here is my vision board for 2013. Some things from previous years have reappeared, and there are some new things. I hope to check back throughout the year to review and reflect on my progress!

I hope that you have creative visions for 2013 as well. Happy New Year to you. May all your visions and best imaginations come true!
Life is an Adventure!