Dear God,
Today a part of my land
And a part of my people
Was reduced to a cloud of
Smoke, rubble and dust.
As the pain and dust linger,
Please help me to join hands
In peace, not rage,
With other spirits
Who seek to rise above.
I was changed by the events of that day. I could not create for weeks. My artwork became more purposeful and expressive. Even now, as I create pet oriented art, there is always a purpose. Creating for the purpose of uplifting souls is always a part of my work.
The drawing above is the first artwork that I created after September 11, 2001. It took me many weeks to accomplish it. It will forever be one of my most favorite works.
My hope is that someday, peace will prevail in our world. Today, I again join hands with kindred spirits.
Life is an Adventure!
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Art Adventures Studios
Buy Artwork and Gifts by BZTAT
Art Adventures Studios, located in downtown Canton, OHnear Second April Galerie and the historic Joseph Saxton Gallery of Photography.