I am SOOOOOO happy to write today’s post!
I received a phone call last night that Percy the Wonder Cat and his adopted brother Andy have both found a home in the local Stark County area! They will be staying together and will be going to live with a local family. YAY!!!
Thanks so much to everyone who helped in searching for a home for these two cats. It truly was a worldwide effort. I had folks around the world tweeting and re-tweeting about Percy and Andy’s need for a home, and I received the sweetest emails from people who wanted to help.
Special thanks go to Dorian Wagner at Your Daily Cute and Gwen Cooper from Homer’s Odyssey who truly sent out a worldwide call of hope and love for these two cats. And I am deeply indebted to Jill Kirsch of Cripple Creek Ferals and Friends for listing them on her Petfinder site .
And little Okey, formally a parking lot kitty, then a studio cat, has a permanent home as well!
I hear it is called “Foster Failure” when a cat that is fostered ends up becoming the pet of the foster family. Failure, though, does not seem to be a word that fits Okey.
Call me a sucker, but I just couldn’t give her up after all the time I spent rescuing her and helping her acclimate to a new world. Yes, Okey is staying with me.
I want to emphasize that I simply could not have kept her and ensured that she received proper vetting were it not for the financial support that my devoted friends and fans shared. As I am transitioning from a career as a counselor to one of a full time artist, my finances have been very unpredictable of late.
$305 was donated towards Okey’s care! She was spayed last week and received all her shots and medical needs. She has recovered well, and is now getting to know the other four felines in my home. All I can say about that is she learned some assertiveness out there in that parking lot.
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Okey whisker slapped Brewskie Butt a few times, but they are starting to become pals. I was so thrilled that I had camera in hand for their first nose tap!
I personally call it a “Foster Success”.
Thanks again to everyone who supported all of these critters and helped with their needs. It is so gratifying to know how much people truly care, and are willing to be the change for pets in need.