See all the “Okey’ October” artworks!

“No one appreciates the very special genius of your conversation as the dog does.” ~ Christopher Morley
Today’s artwork is a painting of a dog whose color is a bit fanciful. As perhaps the conversation that you share with your dog may be…
In honor of my cat Okey whose “Gotcha Day” is October 30, I am making an artwork every day in October, and posting it here on my blog. As I have done with “drawing a day” activities in the past, each artwork will be available for bidding in an auction in the blog post dedicated to it.
Along with each artwork will be a “Thought for the Day” that will offer some kind of encouragement about overcoming challenges.
Okey has inspired a worldwide movement to bring awareness to the links between animal abuse, child abuse and domestic violence called: Okey’s Promise: Art for a Cause. All of the proceeds for the auctions will go towards the Okey’s Promise: Celebrating the Human – Animal Bond project, which is my second Okey’s Promise public art project.
My recent Kickstarter fund raising campaign for the project fell short of its goal, so I have had to start over with the fund raising. You can contribute here if you would like to support the project outside of the auctions.
To make it a little more fun, I am going to have a special contest! Everyone who bids on one of the Okey’s October artworks here on the blog will be entered into a contest for a free artwork! You don’t have to win a bid, just make a bid. All bidders will be entered into a random drawing for a special artwork at the end of the month.
Here is the info about today’s artwork:
10″ X 14″ painting on wood by artist BZTAT
Leave bids in increments of $10 below in the comments section.
Minimum Bid $60 USD
Shipping: $25 USA $45 International
BUY NOW OPTION: You can buy this piece now for $125 as long as no bids have been made in the comments below. Simply write BUY NOW in the comments and send a payment of $125 + shipping via PayPal to bztat at
Highest bid at 10 pm EST Thursday, 10/27/11 wins the piece.
Winning bidder: make payment of bid + shipping to to ChipIn widget in right sidebar.
Please allow 4 weeks for shipping, as the painting will need hardware and other finishing before they can be shipped.