Up until recently, I have only painted custom pet portraits in my pop art style. These paintings require a lot of preparation in advance of the painting, and my detailed layering technique also is very time consuming. Capturing a very distinct likeness of the animal and its unique character in a semi-abstract style is also an exacting process. As a result, I have had to raise my prices considerably over the past year.
I do not regret raising my prices, even though I know that it has led to reduced sales. The paintings are worth what I am charging, in fact, they truly are worth more than what I am charging.
That said, I want to offer portraits that are a little more affordable to those who are watching their budgets in these uncertain economic times.
I have decided to offer portraits that are not quite as detailed and customized. Many people have enjoyed the quick folk art paintings that I have created in my paint-a-thons, so I have decided to offer these as an option for custom portraits. I can do these for a more economical price and, well, heck. They are fun to paint!
You can see examples of both pet portrait painting options here along with price lists.
So what are you waiting for? Why not spend all that holiday cash you got on a memorable piece of art that will keep on giving for years to come?
By the way, the cat in the painting above is none other than the cyber superstar Romeo the Cat, who has raised thousands and thousands of dollars to help animal rescue organizations. Romeo, you are an inspiration!