Okey October: BSL = Breed Specific Love

See all the “Okey’ October” artworks!

"BSL = Breed Specific Love" Drawing by BZTAT

“What we need is not Breed Specific Legislation. We instead need Breed Specific Love for all breed and mixed breed animals.” – BZTAT

I, like many people, have been touched by the story of Lennox and his family who is trying to save him from injustice. Lennox is a dog that was removed from his home by dog wardens because he supposedly was a breed that was legislatively termed dangerous. Although DNA testing proved that he was not the breed that was illegal, and there was no evidence or complaints of him ever being dangerous, the courts have resisted allowing him to return to the family that loves him.

There are breeds of dogs and other domestic animals that require knowledgeable care, but most animal welfare organizations have protested the worldwide effort to ban specific breeds in communities leading to unnecessary euthanasia of safe, healthy animals. Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) is ineffective in addressing the problem of aggressive dogs, and it is inhumane.

The problem with aggressive dogs is due to people abusing them and/or training them to be aggressive, or improperly caring for them. It is not an indigenous problem with the animals. The lack of affortable spay/neuter programs furthers the problem.

Today’s drawing is of a pit bull dog who redefines BSL as “Breed Specific Love”. Pit bull dogs are so maligned in our society, yet it is not the dogs that are the problem.

In honor of my cat Okey whose “Gotcha Day” is October 30, I am making an artwork every day in October, and posting it here on my blog. As I have done with “drawing a day” activities in the past, each artwork will be available for bidding in an auction in the blog post dedicated to it.

Along with each artwork will be a “Thought for the Day” that will offer some kind of encouragement about overcoming challenges.

Okey has inspired a worldwide movement to bring awareness to the links between animal abuse, child abuse and domestic violence called: Okey’s Promise: Art for a Cause. All of the proceeds for the auctions will go towards the Okey’s Promise: Celebrating the Human – Animal Bond project, which is my second Okey’s Promise public art project.

My recent Kickstarter fund raising campaign for the project fell short of its goal, so I have had to start over with the fund raising. You can contribute here if you would like to support the project outside of the auctions.

To make it a little more fun, I am going to have a special contest! Everyone who bids on one of the Okey’s October artworks here on the blog will be entered into a contest for a free artwork! You don’t have to win a bid, just make a bid. All bidders will be entered into a random drawing for a special artwork at the end of the month.

Here is the info about today’s artwork:

5″ X7″ Prismacolor Pencil and Marker Drawing on paper by artist BZTAT

Comes with an acid free mat ready for an 8″ X 10″ frame

Leave bids in increments of $5 below in the comments section.

Minimum Bid $40 USD

Shipping: $8 USA $18 International

BUY NOW OPTION: You can buy this piece now for $75 as long as no bids have been made in the comments below. Simply write BUY NOW in the comments and send a payment of $75 + shipping via the ChipIn widget in the right sidebar.

Highest bid at 10:00 pm EST on Tuesday 10/11/11 wins the piece.

Winning bidder: make payment of bid + shipping to ChipIn widget in right sidebar.

Please allow 4 weeks for USA shipping.