My birthday is this coming Wednesday, January 23. I am not usually one to announce it so publicly, as my birthday is not really a huge deal for me. But this year, my nephew’s wife inspired me to try something different.
On her recent birthday, Leah announced early in the morning:
Today I will be doing 32 random (or intentional) acts of kindness, one for each year I have been alive on the earth. In honor of my birthday, I would love for you to do an act of kindness for someone also!
Leah did do at least 32 random acts of kindness on her birthday, and she posted about each one on her Facebook page. It was very inspiring.
I thought I might do the same thing. The only problem is, I am 19 years older than Leah, which means I have a lot more random acts of kindness (RAOK) to do.
So I thought I would ask for help.
I have 1120 friends on Facebook, and I have 1101 fans on my Facebook fan page. Surely out of all of these people, we can come up with 51 RAOKs, yes?
So here is what I would like to do. On my birthday, I would like for as many of my friends to do an RAOK and post about it on my Facebook Fan Page. You can do something small or something big; something unusual or something common. if possible, snap a photo and post that too. Whatever you choose, share it on my birthday to help me celebrate!
If you would prefer to do your RAOK anonymously, or you are not on Facebook, send me an email and I will post it for you with or without sharing your name.
Thanks for your help. I look forward to this being a very special birthday!