I once was a regular at Canton First Fridays. In fact, I was one of the first art vendors at the very first First Friday back in 2007. I worked out of several different studios in the Canton Arts District over the years, and then I took a break.
It’s been a couple of years, and I think I am ready to come off of my hiatus. My presence will be less obvious, perhaps, than it has been in the past, but I am making a comeback.
In exchange for keeping their office open throughout the week and helping out with various tasks, ArtsinStark has given me a small space in their arts district office to create and share some of my artwork. It won’t be a big space, but enough to be a part of things again. I am looking forward to getting back into the Canton art scene!
This coming First Friday I will have an outdoor booth on Court Ave. Stop by and visit if you plan on being downtown! I will have all of my new Mia Meow paintings on display, as well as other artworks. The weather is supposed to be spectacular – I hope I see you there!
After First Friday, stop in and see me at the Canton Arts District office at 308 4th St. NW during the week. I look forward to seeing you there as well!
Life is an Adventure!