I am not really one to ascribe to the law of attraction philosophy that is often attached to the creation of vision boards. I do think that making a visual representation of your goals is helpful in realizing them, though.
I created a vision board in 2010 and I shared it here on my blog. Some of the goals were accomplished and others remain in process. There were a couple that I pretty much failed at. Yeah, I am still on the Super Size Me Diet.
This year I am focusing on developing my artwork into a marketable creative product so that I can live comfortably while creatively enhancing the world that I live in. I am now a full time artist, so this is my most important priority.
As I will be turning 50 this year, I am also realizing the need to focus more on the people, creatures and things that I cherish most. Although I tend to be more private about such things, I would be remiss to ignore that here.
So here is my vision board. I hope to check back throughout the year to review and reflect on my progress!
In 2012 My Vision is to:
I hope that you have creative visions for 2012 as well. May you have the most pleasant and inspiring adventures in 2012! Happy New Year!