Wow! What a Paw Parade we had on Twitter today! I feel blessed to have so many wonderful friends who made this such a huge success! If you missed it, you can watch the recap video:
The Paw Parade was a virtual parade that I and my Spokescat @BrewskieButt hosted in the Canton, OH Arts District to celebrate our friends’ support of my artwork.
There were lots of bands, floats, balloons, etc. The featured balloons had artwork by BZTAT on them! We had DJ’s spinning parade tunes and street vendors pushing food and beverage carts with the fabulous menu by @JavatheCat!
We also raised money for @RomeotheCat‘s January Furpower charity, Last Hope Inc. !
And, we also had a drawing for a FREE Pet Portrait by BZTAT! The winner? @PepiSmartDog, who, sadly, went to the Rainbow Bridge in 2009. I am honored to paint his picture.
Special thanks to: @FrugalDougal, @Romeothcat, @JavatheCat, @YourDailyCute, @Quadpawd, @FergustheDog and @PerrytheBirman and their staffs for helping organize the Paw Parade!
And Special thanks to all that participated. Your support means so much to me. I love you all!
Life is an Adventure!