This time last year, I held my first 12 hr. “Paint-a-thon” as a part of the Art of Kindness fundraiser for Friends of Stark Pound. It was a huge success! The overall event raised over $2500, of which $520 was raised from the sale of my paintings created during the Paint-a-thon.
All of the paintings were purchased from bids taken on Twitter. Rumor has it that this may have been the first online auction done on Twitter, although I cannot confirm that.
I have done 2 other paint-a-thons since then, both of which were very successful and a lot of fun. And guess what? We are doing another one for this year’s Art of Kindness event!
All Proceeds from this Paint-athon will go to support the animals with Friends of Stark Pound.
On Thursday, September 23, 2010, I will engage in an exclusive “Paint-A-Thon”, painting animal themed artworks non-stop from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm at Second April Galerie at 324 Cleveland Ave. NW in Canton, OH.
All works created in that 12 hours will be auctioned off in a silent auction at Second April and online via Twitter. Online bidding on BZTAT artworks will begin at 7:00 pm EDT and conclude around 9:00 pm EDT.
My paint-a-thons are a great way to find some affordable bargains on artwork that my never come around again. You can bid on the artwork either on site at Second April Galerie or online via Twitter.
The Paint-A-Thon is in conjunction with a fund raising and animal adoption event entitled the Art of Kindness. Billed as “An Evening of Fun, Food and Furry Friends!”, the Art of Kindness will include an animal themed art exhibit showcasing local talent; a silent auction of pet-related items; music by Roger Phillips and Ken Weiss; food and drink; and lots of furry frivolity. Pets available for adoption will be on hand to greet those who attend.
Several artists from the Stark County area have contributed animal-themed artworks to be shown in a very special art exhibit. The showing is curated by Brennis Booth, co-owner of Second April Galerie.
Friends of the Pound is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established to coordinate community outreach, rescuing and fund-raising efforts for the puppies and dogs being held in the Stark County Dog Pound. Friends of the Pound operates in cooperation with the Stark County Dog Warden’s staff to significantly enhance the quality of life for the homeless puppies and dogs and to increase their opportunities for placement through adoptions or rescue groups.
I will have assistants tweeting photos of the works on Twitter as I am creating them and after they are completed.
Online Auction Bidding Instructions:
- If you would like to submit a bid on Twitter, please send a tweet with the word BID in all caps, your bid amount and #bztatptg written in the tweet.
- Your profile must be visible in Tweetgrid for us to receive the bid.
- All bids must be in $5.00 increments.
- The lowest bid for all works will be $40.
- Bid winners will receive instructions to pay the winning bid via PayPal plus $20 US shipping or $40 international shipping per painting.
- A 10-minute warning will be tweeted to announce the conclusion of the auction 10 minutes before bidding stops.
- It is recommended that interested Twitterers follow the action on Tweetgrid to get real time updates. (We are not responsible for any technical difficulties that may occur as a result of Twitter or associated application interruptions.)
- Follow the #bztatptg hashtag on Twitter to follow all the action. You do not have to bid to join in the fun!
I hope you will join me for this special event. I promise to have some new and fresh images that have not been seen before.
Have suggestions for what you’d like me to paint? Leave them in the comments below.