UPDATE: Bidding for this artwork has been extended to 10pm Wednesday, December 21, 2011!

Today’s doodle is a bit different than the others. It is a drawing on a 4″ square piece of wood! I had these pieces of wood and thought I would turn one into a doodle. I hope you like it!
A doodle, according to Wikipedia, is “an unfocused drawing made while a person’s attention is otherwise occupied. Doodles are simple drawings that can have concrete representational meaning or may just be abstract shapes.” My doodles often have some focus to them, but they are less formal than a regular drawing. Sometimes the images are somewhat cartoonish and sometimes they are just scribbles and line formations.
For each day from Dec. 1 – 15 (2011) I will make a December Doodle drawing and hold an auction for it here on the blog. These drawings will make nice gifts, and if you want, I will gift wrap and mail to whomever you would like the gift(s) to go. And since animals always are in greater need as winter takes hold, I will donate 10% of the proceeds to a registered animal charity.
Which charity? You help me decide! Post the charity that you would like me to support on my Facebook Fanpage, and I will randomly select from all the submissions on Dec. 15, 2011. (Charities must be for animal rescue, in the United States, and must have a 501(c) non-profit status.)
If you would like to bid on this drawing, simply place your bid in the comments below.
Here are the deets on today’s doodle:
4″ square Oil Pastel Drawing on wood by artist BZTAT
(Hanging hardware is attached on the back so it can be hung on the wall.)
Leave bids in increments of $5 below in the comments section.
Minimum Bid $40 USD
Shipping: $8 USA $18 International
BUY NOW OPTION: You can buy the piece now for $75 as long as no bids have been made in the comments below. Simply write BUY NOW in the comments and send a payment of $75 + shipping via Paypal using the email address bztat at bztat.com.
Highest bids at 10:00 pm EST on Friday 12/15/11 wins the auction.
Winning bidders: make payment of bid + shipping to Paypal using email address bztat at bztat.com.